Transformer blowout and other problems have slowed this down by a day.
I'm told I was on local television yesterday. It was supposed to show how western tourists are coming back to Kashmir. At 6'3" and wearing the first white straw hat seen here in 50 years, I suppose I looked the part. In truth, you don't see western tourists here at all--for all meaningful purposes, none.
We went to the Mogul Gardens. The old guy must have had quite a show. From his tent he could look down a half-mile long vista of carefully crafted gardens, fountains, and water cascades that end in a huge lake. I imgine him in his tent, looking out at it all, listening to music, perhaps saying, "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou," or maybe whispering some ancient version of "Go, lovely rose."
Bob, your 'say' is fascinating.....
Love, Kay
I love the pictures! I can't wait to see the two of you in your new clothes! I'm sure that they will make y'all look like you fit in more. Chester had a good time with Daisy and Riley today. He definately got some exercise.
Just googled Mogul Gardens. There is a lot on the web! But I couldn't find the one you and Carrie were at. Does it have a more complete name? My favorite ones seem to be long and straight with lots of 'water features,' which also seems to be the style of your Mogul's garden too.
Have you and Carrie had a fitting for your new cloths yet. I hope they go with your white hat, which really is quite distinguished.
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